Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sarah Palin? Who is this woman. . .

Seriously, who the fuck is Sarah Palin? Surely she's not the political celebrity that Hillary Clinton is; so why is it that the media is covering her selection as John McCain's VP like Tibet was just given its freedom from the "don't spit in public during the olympics" red capitalist menace that is China. And, also why is the media pretending that somehow white democratic women are moving away from the Obama/Biden ticket to go vote for the new McCain/Palin ticket because the addition of Palin is what they've been waiting for. If any democrats have declared thier allegence to the Republican ticket because of the addition of Palin then surely they weren't democrats in the first place. Palin is a strict conservative with leanings toward facism. First she has hardly no history of public service in a populace state, and no the PTA does not count. She also doesn't support choice of abortion, even when rape or incest is concerned. And, she thinks that global warming is not man made and shouldn't be made an issue in politics (See: drill, drill, drill). Her selection as governor of Alaska was a stunt by the corporate powers that be up in Alaska because they needed a - good looking, appealing, maleable - puppet in the top seat to control and influence; not to unlike what McCain's camp is using her for. Also this will come out later, but when the topic of international relations comes up, it will be revealed that Palin has hardly been out of Alaska and only in 2007 got her passport but as of now it is unclear if she's ever been out of the country. Compared with the workhorse--highly traveled and foreign pollitically experienced--Biden there is no comparison. Yet, it would appear that the media is lowering the bar of comparisons to things such as which candidate knows how to field dress a moose, be succesful at ice fishing, or drive a snowmobile. Alaskan politics has always been just that--Alaskan politics--and if Palin is taken seriously as a candidate for Vice President of the United States then maybe we should start electing politicians to office from other US territories like Guam, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands; throw them right into office in the lower 48 and expect them to know what Americans in those states expect and need. I guess its a good thing that the VP spot has little to no power that comes with the job (See: Cheney's exception), and that this writer is pretty sure that when debates start happening Palin will stop being the silent candidate with that "wholesome" story, and start showing American voters where she really stands--and for that matter has never set foot. Until then McCain will keep telling the story about how he was tortured during the Veitnam war. Palin will keep telling that "holes in it" story about her vanquishing corruption in Alaska, and Obama and Biden will continue to play it straight until thier flawed opponents reveal thier true selves as puppets for corporate money, the GOP, the neo-cons and whomever else is scared of a changing US. Keep watching and keep testing your candidates, news sources, pundits, family, friends, and piers just to make sure they are all paying attention and not just repeating the same PR release that dribbles down from the most corrupt faucets in the country; and yes even Alaska.