Monday, May 28, 2007

The scariest horror movie ever made. . .

Is called Jesus Camp and it shows how the growing evangelical movement is training thier youth to subversively enter American government (George W. Bush, Justice Alito) and other influential institutions to reinstate thier one dimensional bible heavy beliefs on the masses. These children are told that abortion is killing gods masterpieces, that global warming isn't real--and since Jesus Christ is coming back to earth to take all "Christians" with him--it doesn't matter if every drop of oil is used or every tree is cut down, and that our country was founded on christianity and the evil liberals are trying to separate church from state (Actually it was the framers of the constitution that made that decision). Just watching this film made me compare the indoctorination of middle american youth to how Palestinian children are trained to fight the Zionistic state of Israel with guns and grenades, suicide bombs, and whatever means necessary as young as the age of 5. One of the most startling stats in Jesus Camp is that of all homeschooled children in the U.S. seventy-five percent are evangelicals. And I'm sure thier home schooling includes teaching evolution alongside creationism. Another important point this film illustrated for me is how this isn't an old problem that started when the first christian was "born again" sometime around the middle of the twentieth century, but is just now reaching the peak of its strength now and is spreading from its center in Colorado Springs outward. There was a moment of light in the film and it came with the introduction of evangelical pastor Ted Haggard meeting some of the kids from the Jesus Camp. You might remember Haggard as the pastor that was recently caught for having sex with a male prostitue as well as snorting crystal meth during the one of several encounters. The adoration for Haggard and his role in the church went as high as George W. himself who in his first term in office called Haggard every monday morning for support. I wondered how the main players in the film and our fine president felt after hearing the news that one of the central figures in the evangelical movement was leading quite a double life doing rails of meth and having sin-filled sex. So if you want to see all the blood, the guts, the shrieks, and terror; look no further than middle america in places like Missouri, the Dakota's, and Colorado where "born again" parents are training an army of brainwashed, hypocritical, righteous, unwaivering bible warriors to take on the devil and his liberal allies in the war against; open mindedness, the ability to question, the power of choice, and a whole lot of other things that have long been considered given freedoms. So watch out America and be careful who you elect because the whole point of this evangelical training is to be secretive about ones true beliefs and intentions for pursuing all those positions of power in the US government and elsewhere.